Its that time of the year, well that time in a four year timeframe when the sporting world has every right to go a little south of the crazy line.
Without a country of my birth to support in the World Cup, with no green army, no 'give it a lash', no nail biting penalty shoot-outs and no dodgy eircom shirts, I find myself in search of a worthy substitute to support and bring a little joy to an otherwise depressing world cup.
I'm sure many Irish folk are in the supporting bracket of 'anyone but France' and rightly so, we are quite a bitter nation and don't forget too easily. However, this still leaves me with 31 teams that I can follow. There's an obvious inclusion in this 31 however that many will understand if I deem their rejection a given, namely: England. I apologise to England fans, its not bigotry, I just can't do it.
So that leaves me with 30.
Now, logically, I should have more than one team that I pledge my pint holding support to, otherwise I could be left hanging very early. So how about the European teams? Should I follow a European team and stick with my continent, remain true to the continent and community of my birth? Well in all honesty, belonging to towns, counties, provinces and a country has been enough in recent lears and left me with no room to develop a continental pride. But lets not rule out teams like Spain, France, Germany, Portugal. To follow them would give me at least a chance of reaching the quarters semis and finals but its a bit predictable. I'll think about it at least.
What about Africa? With only a tie to Ghana, I should really discount the rest. So Ghana is a player.
And then there's South America? Too predictable.
What about underdogs? Having grown up supporting many underdog teams, it is fun but leaves you with little to celebrate. But lets give them a shot. There's New Zealand.......they can get my sympathy support.
Then there's the obvious country of my current residence. South Korea. I haveto do it! I will haveto wear the red, shout for the Park Ji Sung's of the world and clap those big inflatable noisy banger things. I understand Korea is an obvious choice, but what other country will give me the opportunity to cheer with 20,000 other people in the city centre, be among a see of red t-shirts and lighting zogabongs while drinking soju and makeoli on the street in the sunshine.
So for this world cup, I say, 'Come on The Reds!!' And also, 'New Zealand, come on my can do it maybe!' And 'Ghana, who needs Essien?, you show em'!